Electrical Flooring and Electronics

Electrical Installation and Electronics Applications in Boats and Ships:

Planning Phase: The load calculation is made according to the type, length and equipment of the boats or ships, and the electrical and electronic equipment is selected. While insulation is not a problem in wooden and fiberglass boats, it should be planned separately in metal hull boats / ships. It is also of great importance that the equipment is waterproof and not affected by vibrations other than insulation. Load calculation should be done in the best way in placing generators and distribution panels on boats.

Projecting Phase: After the planning phase, projecting comes. Project design is essentially the schematization and writing of what is planned with technical and scientific data and analysis methods. Projecting is done in accordance with the technical specifications prepared for the boat / ship. The type and cross section of the cables, through which channels they will pass, the location and location of the main distribution and control panels are determined. It is vital to use marine type fire resistant special cables and equipment.

Implementation Phase: After the project phase, it is time to apply. What looks right and smooth on paper can be very different when it comes to application. Therefore, an expert team should do this with care.